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Neonatal Jaundice Home Phototherapy
biliTreat is located in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor, Malaysia. registered under the name Bilitreat Home Phototherapy.
If you found this page, you may have been looking for a Phototherapy Device for rental, which may be causing a little stress. Every mother wants to be at home with their baby and yet your doctor has diagnosed your baby with jaundice and treatment is necessary. To avoid prolong follow-up, we have a solution to your problem and we are in business to serve you better.
Home phototherapy is a solution that will allow you to treat your lovely baby conveniently at your own home with uninterrupted mother-baby bonding. We will serve you the best to get the devices to you as quickly as possible.
The biliTreat bringing convenience, quality care, safety and cost savings to parents.